Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Life Speaks

Communicating Through Our Life

John 13:34-35

Did you realize that everyone's life makes a statement? Perhaps you've never looked at your routine as anything more than merely traveling back and forth to work and accomplishing daily tasks. If so, you might wonder what message this could possibly broadcast to the people around you.

The truth is that every one of us communicates to others through our character, actions, and words. The believer's life should be an expression of glory to God while conveying to onlookers the vital importance of divine truth. Wherever we are, Jesus' light should shine brightly through us so that He is evident in a dark world. And remember, the strength of our life message is directly related to the depth of our relationship with God.

Of course, this does not mean that our lives have to be perfect. But our responses and actions should demonstrate that our heavenly Father is dependable, faithful, forgiving, and present. We are His ambassadors, representing the Savior to the people we encounter each day. Our lives are opportunities for others to see the Lord in action, as we serve others--or as we reveal peacefulness and trust, even during difficult times.

Coworkers, family, neighbors, and friends are all witnesses to our daily conduct and conversation. Every encounter we have is an opportunity to reflect Jesus into somebody's life. Ask the Lord to strengthen your faith and your walk so that those around you can't help but be drawn towards His light.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit and click here to listen to Dr. Stanley at

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