Friday, October 16, 2009

Faith Attitude

Thinking Our Way to Success

Philippians 4:4-19

Healthy thinking is a key contributor to godly success. And the Scriptures have a lot to say about what a believer's mind should and should not dwell upon. That is because every choice we make, every word we speak, and every action we take begins as a thought. So we really need to have our heads on straight, so to speak.

The Bible contains long lists of activities and thoughts that may have been part of our old existence but aren't suited to a victorious life in Christ. We are to lay aside attitudes like anger, jealousy, and self-pity. Negativity held in the head and heart can work its way outward like spreading poison, tainting conduct, conversation, and character.

God's Word also offers right ways of thinking to keep grace and love flowing. Setting our minds on heavenly things is a choice (Phil 4:8). Consider Paul, whom the modern church surely sees as successful. But his contemporaries would have seen a man repeatedly beaten, jailed, and persecuted.

He was often impoverished and friendless. And yet, during one of his many prison terms, Paul wrote of his joy, contentment, and unshakable faith in God (vv. 10-19). His life is an awesome expression of a positive faith attitude. He was a man committed to thinking godly thoughts whether his life was marked by blessing or adversity.

Proverbs 23:7 sums up the profound effect of our thought life: "For as [a man] thinks within himself, so he is." Paul believed he was the beloved servant of almighty God, and he acted like it! Perhaps it's time for you to claim the healthy, fulfilling thought life available through reading Scripture.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

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