Friday, October 9, 2009

Ask for the light!



Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinks within himself so he is."

The ancient word translated "think" in this text comes from the word for "gate" as in the gates of a city. We might say the gate is the mind of the city--where the city thinks and judges.

Imagine with me for a minute that you are standing at the gate of an ancient city. There is the bleating of sheep and voices of many merchants traveling through and raising the dust of this main artery of commerce into the city. And through the dust and the din we see the elders of the city sitting at the gate debating the issues of the day from the price of grain to marriage contracts. Whoever and whatever stands at the gate controls the city. 

Our minds are the gates to our hearts. At these gates many voices arise out of the dust of our personal history and programming. The insecure grade school teacher who spoke an unkind word over you; the bully who called you out in front of the whole class; the parent whose absence from the table spoke loud words of indifference all stand at the gate reminding you of who they say you are. You believe them! And though we are positionally safe in the arms of Christ, darkness overshadows our gates and the dust of daily commerce kicks up memories both good and uncomfortable. These echoes from the past seem true to us but present us a false reality. We see dimly--enigmatically through this dusty light, but it is the only light we have. 

Jesus gave another analogy for the mind which is the eye gate. 

"The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. "But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! Matt 6:22-24

Possessing the gates of the enemy is a part of the promise to the spiritual seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (Genesis 22:17) Yet, the mind of Hell broods over our inner gateways to distract us from the face of the One who created and who calls us to Himself. 

Beloved, Jesus summons His Church to an overcoming and prevailing life of healed reality and vision. He speaks into the darkness as at creation saying "Let there be Light!" In the light of His presence the gates of Hell--the mind of Hell cannot prevail! (Matthew 16:18 KJV) I don't think it's a coincidence that Jesus healed blind folks at the gates giving them the ability to regain real sight. (Mark 10:47-52) 

Now picture Jesus bringing the light of His glory to the gates of the city and silencing each untrue voice. Imagine Him healing those who have offended you out of their own darkened gates. Come Lord Jesus, come! Dispel the darkness at our gates. 

About Thom Gardner:  Thom Gardner is the president and pastor of Grace and Truth Fellowship, Inc., a ministry and local assembly dedicated to equipping and healing the Body of Christ, preparing them to minister the presence of Christ to the wounded who surround us. Thom is a graduate of Cornerstone Seminary in Harrisonburg , Virginia and travels internationally to heal and teach the Body of Christ in the mercy of God. He is the author of Healing the Wounded Heart. For more information or to order this book, visit or

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